Friday, November 23, 2007

Peace studies in Spain and Latinamerica

I have recently been teaching a master course on Development and Human Rights at the International Master on Peace Conflict and Development in Castellon, University Jaume I. During my stay in Castellón I have the chance to meet a group of people from Spain and Argentina that are actively working in the field of peace studies. This area has developed extensively in Spain in Latin America in the last decades and it constitute an intesting and expansive field of research.

In Granada we have Francisco A. Muñoz at the Instituto de la Paz y los conflictos. More information on this area quite be obtained at his blog titled: naúfragos y navengantes de paz y conflictos . Angeles Arjona works at the University of Almeria. She is sociologist and she is doing and interesting work on interculturaliry and inmigration in Andalucia. You can check Laboratorio de antropologia social y cultural. Alicia Cabezudo has been working for more that two decades on issues on education on human rights and education for in different places in the world. She is also lecturer at the University of Buenos Aires and Rosario in Argentina.


Francisco A. Muñoz said...

Was a pleasure. Un curso con buenas colegas siempre es infinitamente mejor. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

This might be of interest:

Natalia Alvarez said...

Thank you very much. Very good link.

Anonymous said...

This is certainly very interesting area to work in. I would wish that some academic expertize would also be applied to the conflict resolution between different nations within Spanish state. Alas now this is not the case. Take, for example,
demonstrations on past Saturday and Sunday in all major Spanish cities against ETA, which illustrate how a certain Spanish political party, again, is abusing fight against terrorism for their political gains. Lets be clear peace can never be achieved with populistic and dogmatic proclamations.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Im from Melbourne Australia.

For a unique Understanding of the cultural imperative of peace and the immediate end to conflict and war, please check out these two related websites:


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